Year-In-Review: How Etsy Advocated for Climate-Friendly eCommerce in 2019 – Medium

Nearly a year ago, Etsy began offsetting 100% of carbon emissions generated by shipping in our marketplace. We’re proud of that milestone — not only is it allowing us to address 98% of our total emissions footprint, but we were also the first global eCommerce company to make a commitment at that scale.

While it was a good first step, our ultimate goal is to combine offsets with longer-term emissions reduction solutions. To deliver on this goal, we are advocating for legislation that promotes lower-emission shipping options and policies that drive the decarbonization of the transportation sector.

Here are some of the key steps we took in 2019:

We joined forces with companies across sectors to push lawmakers on carbon pricing.

In May, Etsy’s Director of Sustainability, Chelsea Mozen, traveled to Washington, D.C., with 75 other business leaders to meet with a bipartisan group of federal lawmakers. The goal? Encourage Congress to pass meaningful climate legislation, including a price on carbon. Setting a price on carbon has the potential to drive emissions reductions while strengthening the overall economy.

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