When it comes to the physical toll of commuting, we tend to focus on the danger of an accident or the stress of dealing with traffic. But there’s more to it than just that. The New York transportation system is officially Public Enemy No. 1 in terms of carbon pollution in the state. It’s not just a bad thing for climate change; it’s also making you and your loved ones sick. The good news is that the prescription for a healthier New York transportation system may soon be forthcoming. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has pledged to develop a regional clean transportation initiative. The stakes here are high.
Each year, pollution from transportation causes over 19,000 asthma attacks, 38,000 lost work days, and nearly 450 preventable deaths in New York State. Combined, the climate and health damages from transportation cost our state $7.9 billion a year. Fortunately, the same strategies used to cut carbon emissions would also reduce the dangerous air pollutants that make people sick.